Last week I told the story of the tragedy in my daughter's young family, and how circumstances just kept getting worse for them right before Christmas. I took a chance and asked you readers if you wouldn't mind contributing a couple of bucks apiece to help this family pay for their son's burial costs and hopefully even have a bit left over to pay for some of their own immediate needs.
So far we have received hundreds of responses to that request for two dollars, with some readers sending in substantially more. After only seven days, Amy and her little family have received from my readers an astonishing two thousand and seven dollars!
I posted that plea at five minutes to midnight on Friday the 17th, and when I got up six hours later, I was astonished to see that donations were already coming in through Paypal. By the end of that day, the contributions we were receiving through Paypal alone had totaled over twelve hundred dollars!
When I phoned Amy to tell her the news, I heard her go suddenly quiet. She was crying. We both were. We couldn't believe this was happening. Amy's family was suddenly and miraculously pulled from the abyss.
Although the primary reason for asking for this money was to pay the burial costs for their recently murdered son, I insisted that Tommy and Amy take the first thousand and use it for the family's immediate expenses. They fixed the car, bought some food, and paid the gas bill so they could stop heating their apartment by leaving on the electric oven at night.

Amy also bought something special just in time for Christmas: a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. It's scrawny and pathetic and only two feet tall, and it has one red ornament hanging from one lonely branch. If there are mongrels in the tree world, this tree is it.
But don't feel sorry for her family; this is the Christmas tree she wanted. I mean she really wanted it. I don't know if you've seen this thing, but it's actually marketed as the Charlie Brown Christmas tree, right down to the inclusion of that one red bulb. Even better, by the time she bought it, the tree had been marked down to just $3.99. So the family finally got the tree Amy had wanted that reflected the dismal circumstances they found themselves in this year.
My daughter has a delightful sense of the ironic.

You all have made a tremendous difference in the lives of that family. I can't begin to express how I feel toward you. Your astonishing generosity has simply floored me. Amy is not the only one who has wept at this astonishing display of love.
(I notice I have used the word "astonishing" a lot here so far. It's the word that keeps coming to mind. I'm just so dang astonished!)
Something I've learned from this experience is how many wonderful friends I have out there who I have never met. I began this blog just under two years ago to share my fairly recent discovery that love truly is the basis of the gospel of Christ. It may seem trite and obvious to some, but I never really grasped the importance of unconditional love until just about four years ago (I'm slower than most). Heretofore I had seen my religion as primarily one of strict rules and procedures, and I approved of that view. Then after a lifetime of devotion and obedience to the Church, I finally got around to experiencing "a mighty change." I had God all wrong. It wasn't obedience he wanted out of me, it was kindness.
One of the reasons I began this blog was from a desire to share my discoveries with others who were still stuck in that Pharisaical brand of Mormonism I had grown up believing in, the one represented by a mantra for obedience rather than what Restoration Theology was meant to be: a jumping off point leading to higher knowledge, which leads in turn to a true liberation of the soul. The beginning of that liberation comes from truly grasping the meaning of unconditional love.
This past week I got a powerful new lesson in unconditional. Not only have so many been willing to reach out with love to a young family in need that they didn't even know, but something else occurred here that has touched my heart in a profound way.
I've just learned I have many, many friends out there. You'll have to excuse me for being surprised, but the fact is, almost nobody I know personally reads this blog or cares much for anything I might have to say; No one in my current ward, no one in my former ward, and no one in the nearby ward I lived in for almost fifteen years. Many of these fine people are Facebook friends. They are aware that I write a blog about Mormon issues, but they won't read it. Some of the things I write about here make them uncomfortable, so they choose to not come back.
From some of the notes and messages accompanying the donations, I am beginning to realize that many of you donated to my daughter because in some inexplicable way you are actually honoring me. I wish I could come up with a way to say that so it sounded more humble, but there it is. I've learned I have thousands of true friends I didn't know about, strangers who value what I have to say and who would come to my rescue at the drop of a hat. When someone I hadn't known re-posted last week's entry on another Facebook site, several comments immediately appeared announcing they were contributing. Another someone I didn't know named Chris said "Done and done. His blog alone is worth the money."
That comment meant the world to me, and many have sent messages of appreciation echoing that sentiment these past days. Your friendship means the world to me. What means the most is your unconditional love, not only for me but for my daughter and her family; parents and kids you never met and probably never will meet. Yet you dropped everything and sent money at a time of year when I know money is short for everyone.

Merry Christmas, and may God bless you all for your kindness!
Your grateful friend,
Beautiful post as usual. Yes, I feel like we are friends even though I've never met you. Thats the beauty of blogs.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your family this Christmas Day!
"I feel like we are friends even though I've never met you. Thats the beauty of blogs."
ReplyDeleteThere is always the possibility that after reading a blog post you get a feeling that you cant stand the writer even though you have never met them...
Is that part of the beauty of blogs too?=)
I am glad to hear that the response went well and that they have enough for now.
Another beautiful post from a beautiful man. Thank you and merry Christmas to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteI feel good that it turned out as surprisingly well as it did and shall in the future. Isn't the contrast marvelous between the pain of mourning and the joy of charity in the classical sense? Neither of which would have been possible to experience in the Pre-existence? I'm beginning to understand this, even as I fear experiencing them for myself.
ReplyDeleteI thank you for the gift of clarity concerning the Church in all its aspects. It has made a great deal of difference within my life because now I can see the Church for what it really is and I no longer feel any pride for my membership within it. Your blog is singular, Mr. Waterman.
I had missed your last post. Just sent you some money through paypal. Better late than never.
ReplyDeleteDear Becky,
ReplyDeleteI am Rock's wife, Connie. As the need of this family is still great, I wish to thank you on behalf of my wonderful husband and my daughter, Amy and her family.
"Better late, than never", is better than not at all!
By the way, I am astounded at the beautiful blog my humble and very good husband Rock, writes also! I am very blessed to be his wife.
With love and gratitude,
I got a brief taste of what the family was experiencing just this past Thursday when I had one of those days where nothing went right and I was faced with an enormous car repair bill (it's still not fixed). But, despite that, there are others who have it even worse and I was happy to be able to do what I could to help.
ReplyDeleteGlad to help out, Rock. Others have helped me in times of need, and paying that gift forward is important to me.
ReplyDeleteI, for one, appreciate your generosity of spirit in sharing your thoughts and ideas. I find your blog to be insightful and thought provoking. Merry Christmas and may God bless you and yours.
Glad I could help someone I know (kinda) even if I could only send a little money. :) Every little bit helps!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and I hope the new year brings your family better luck than this past year has given you all.
I really feel for the family because I have a 15 year old boy. I have also suffered the loss of a child (to SIDS, almost 17 years ago). I was also raised in No. Cal, near Sacramento. I wish I could do more.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to know things are coming along well for you and your family now. I'm not surprised you are so well liked, it's the kindness thing. My prayers are still with you and each member of your family. I pray the new year will be filled with light and joy for each of you.
I'm a little late to the party but I sent a small donation just today.
ReplyDeletePlease keep 'em coming!!
One thing that has started to annoy me lately in Church meetings is the constant "reminder" that we should all be reading our scriptures everyday. As a matter of fact on Sunday someone even said this was actually a commandment. Don't get me wrong I think its a good thing to read your scriptures as well as a lot of other books, but the constant brow beating we receive about not doing this ends up producing an atmosphere of "strict rules and procedures".
ReplyDeleteDear Friends,
ReplyDeleteOnce again I want to thank you for your assistance to my daughter and her family.
It is nearly 2:30AM, and I am in pain. From my physical illness, I have packed on nearly 15lbs., in water weight since yesterday from my COPD; so I can not do what I was going to do.
I was going to go and sit in my wheelchair and beg for money with a sign. Something I would never have thought I would need to do. But, I can not. I must stay in bed. Must.
Our daughter's family is literally days, perhaps hours, from losing their apartment. They will lose everything and have to go to a shelter. I so wish that we could assist, but we are, to our surprise, (Rock is VERY thorough in keeping up with our banking.) overdrawn.
My illness costs us more and more. This is very embarrassing for me- but I have seen incredible miracles happen through this blog. LDS, ex-LDS and even Atheists have generously donated to the cause of our grieving daughter and her family.
Thank you, with everything that I whole heart. THANK YOU.
I've come onto this blog, not for Rock and I's sake. But, once again for our daughter, Tommy- who is battling for his rightful unemployment benefits- through crushing grief, and our grand children. 8, 4, and 7 month old children.
I apologize, if I am asking too much from Rock's readership- but I am. I will do what I would not do for myself, for my child and my Grandchildren. Ask for assistance again.
I really do not have any intention of asking ever again, or putting Rock's wonderful Readership, in discomfort. I don't want ANYONE to feel uncomfortable. Please know that this is not my intention.
With gratitude, love and light, in Christ always,
~Connie Waterman