Previously: Here's Why I Love Amber Rose
I finally had the opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with the inimitable Jacob Isbell, proprietor of the Youtube channel "Disciple of Christ."
Within the first two and a half minutes I clumsily managed to offend every grown man in America who collects and reads comic books, but if you can get past those unfortunate comments you may find the rest of the discussion pretty enjoyable. (And maybe, dare I say, even edifying?)
You can watch the full interview below, but I hope you will click on the link so it takes you directly to Youtube where you can make Jacob's life more fulfilling by giving his channel a "like" and maybe even subscribing. (By the way, there was no live Q&A as advertised due to technical issues. So maybe next time.)
Toby Keith and the Destruction of the Nephites
The Leadership Hustle
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