Sunday, March 20, 2022

Reigning With Blood And Horror On The Earth


Previously: Normal Isn't Coming Back

Last week in this space I predicted war and famine for America in the near future. Those predictions weren't much of a leap, since our scriptures have warned us these things were coming. The only risk I may have took was presuming the times we are living in now may be the incipient End Times as prophesied in scripture.  And I think the clues are pretty obvious that, yes indeedy, we're in them alright.

Podcaster Steve Turley has a doctorate in theology and is a cogent political analyst as relates to biblical prophecy and current events.  He, too, sees clearly what is coming:
"Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy  is calling for nothing less than World War III, and our feckless, incompetent Republican leadership looks like they're ready to give it to him. I'm not going to beat around the bush in this video: anyone, anyone who supports a so-called "no-fly zone" in Ukraine, enforced by NATO, is calling for World War Three. And hundreds, if not millions of people will be killed because of it."

Please take 10 minutes and watch "Zelensky Calls For World War III":

Zelenskyy is effectively requesting that we commit suicide over Ukraine. And what was America's reaction: Right there in the hallowed halls of congress, virtually every one of our representatives gave a standing ovation to a foreign dictator, then immediately voted to send that dictator 13.6 billion dollar in "aid" because this foreign dictator is at war with another foreign dictator.  And if you think that's weird,  back in Ukraine, the Odessa National Academic Theater Orchestra is giving a concert in support of both peace and for a no-fly zone. As Jimmy Dore and Aaron Mate' observe in the video below, that dichotomic wish would most certainly trigger the next world war.  "So when they say they want a no-fly zone," Dore observes, "what they mean is 'let's start shooting down Russian planes.' That's not a call for peace."

The Devil Is In The Details    
Most Latter-day Saints are familiar with Satan petulantly declaring that if he can't have his way, he will buy up armies and navies and reign with blood and horror on the earth.  It looks like he's now found an even better workaround.  Instead of buying up armies directly, he's persuaded politicians to furnish armaments to armies that might otherwise not be at war with each other.  That's a pretty nifty scheme.

As I touched on last week, the ruling class needs this war to keep going because that will make a lot of them very rich.  Think about how unnecessary all this is: Vladimir Putin has already told Volodymyr Zelenskyy that the Russian armies will leave Ukraine "in a moment" once Zelenskyy gives assurances that Ukraine will agree to the following: declare Ukraine a neutral country, stop the bombing of it's own people in Eastern Ukraine, recognize those people's independence, keep its hands off Crimea, and demilitarize the brutal Ukrainian police state. 

Simple and sensible conditions, wouldn't you say?  So why don't you ever hear any of that mentioned by the politicians who have just tossed another log on the inflation fire with that 16 billion-plus aid package?  What do you think "aid" means, anyway?  Did you think it means food and bandages? No. It means weapons and armaments, the sale of which will make many members of congress much richer than they already are. This has all been documented in several reports, all of which Russell Brand will be happy to direct you to:

Our ruling class has a pretty sweet gig when you think about it. First, they get paid by you and me through our taxes. Then, because they were given advance intelligence that this war was imminent (a war that you and I didn't see coming), they can take a portion of that money we paid them, and use it to buy stocks for themselves with Raytheon Technologies and Lockheed-Martin. 

What...? You thought that "aid" money was going to go straight to Ukraine to alleviate the suffering of the poor, put-upon Ukrainian people?  You are so naïve.  That 16-plus billion will be given directly to Raytheon and Lockheed and a hundred other armaments manufacturers who are making the weapons that will be sent to Ukraine.  Do you think that will result in Putin backing down and leaving, or will he respond in kind? 

The more money given directly to the companies that traffic in blood and horror, the more huge dividends end up in the swelling bank accounts of your senators and representatives.  Since these are the very people voting on how much tax money gets spent on "defense" (wink, wink), the sky's the limit. It's not going to subside anytime soon. 

And yes, there will be lots more money budgeted for those warpig corporations, because if there's anything we know about public servants, it's that they love making millions more on the side than they take home in salary.  Those investments are guaranteed to keep climbing just as long as the ruling class can frighten you into believing that the big bad Russian boogeyman is "a threat to democracy"  everywhere.  It's called getting in on the ground floor.

All it took was a simple vote of congress authorizing the purchase of weapons, and presto! Your freshman congressperson now understands why Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi just can't bring themselves to retire. As George Carlin famously observed, "it's a big club, and you ain't in it."

The last thing your masters in Washington want right now is for Russia to withdraw, which they secretly fear could happen if Zelenskyy is allowed to declare neutrality from NATO.  Meantime, they can feel secure safe in their belief that America itself doesn't have to go to war with Ukraine -at least for now.  They figure America can fight this war by proxy, furnishing weapons to the poor saps wearing the uniforms of the Ukrainian army who will almost surely die holding ground they can never keep as long as they remain obstinately at their posts, convinced American troops will step in and save them at the last minute. 

These poor saps keep seeing all the dopes on American social media declaring "I Stand With Ukraine" and they think those social warrior numbskulls really are one hundred percent behind them.  They have no clue those American keyboard cowboys are only virtue signaling.  The average NPC is no more aware than a Ukrainian citizen is that the higher-ups in the U.S. State Department care nothing for the Ukrainian people.

They care only about expanding the power of NATO and, as they've done before, they intend to crush all Ukrainians who opposes their plan for world domination.

Naturally, there are some members of congress who aren't in on the grift. Quite a few, like congresswoman Maria Salazar, simply don't have a clue about what's going on.  She is emotionally caught up in the belief that the president of Ukraine is a white hat, and the president of Russia is a black hat, that there's a clear demarcation here between the good guys and the bad guys, and therefore is is the duty of all brave American good guys to step across the ocean and crush the baddies with a single blow  Salazar's problem is that she is under the mistaken belief that America is still a superpower. Which it is not. Here is Rep. Salazar defending her position on Tucker Carlson's show last week:

Sadly, Salazar is just as much in the dark as most other Americans. It has not occurred to her that we can't just go over to Ukraine and "fix things."  American exceptionalism is fading; we can no longer just roll up in our tanks and solve the world's problems.  Besides, most other countries don't really like us very much -and that goes for our supposed allies, as well. 

Few world leaders respect us. No one fears us.  Even now Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and other Eastern countries have agreed among themselves to stop using the Amercan Petrodollar in their commerce. America's dirty little secret is that the only thing currently propping up our dollar is that it is still the world's currency.  That is not likely to continue as these countries realize they can do quite well with America out of the way, since China is producing more goods than we are, and well, let's face it, we don't really have that much to offer the world anymore. 

America is about to experience a catastrophic financial crash that the average politician didn't even see coming, because our economy depends heavily on the foreign markets.  Who do you suppose, among the nations of the world, will be weeping when the hubristic American Empire finally gets its comeuppance?  I'm betting none of them. The major powers are even now creating a parallel  economy that will function just fine without us. 

All this has been prophesied, of course.  And yet it seems it's only a populist minority who are beginning to see it coming --the elites haven't a clue. They will be the living embodiment of Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

If we get into a nuclear war against Russia. the United States will surely lose, as it has in every overseas excursion it set out on since the Korean war in 1950.  We simply are no longer who we thought we were -or what we used to be, which was a nation whose God is The Lord.  

Remember that most recent war we lost? When was that anyway? A couple of months ago, I think, give or take twenty years.  We were beaten by a bunch of goat-herders who ended up keeping 80 billion dollars worth of our own weapons. That's how thoroughly incompetent our military leaders are.  You think those clowns will be sharp enough to protect us when the bombs are actually landing in our own country?  How about that there Commander-in-Chief I keep hearing about?  Sure am glad he's on the clock.  If we continue to antagonize Russia, this time the stakes will be much higher than the loss of our tanks and missiles.  This will be a war America will lose decisively.  

In case you haven't noticed after seeing how all those other foreign adventures turned out, we no longer have God on our side.  If there is any overriding lesson we should have gleaned from the Book of Mormon, it is that although we have a duty to defend our own land from invasion, meddling in the affairs of other nations will be the very thing that leads to our final destruction. In a revelation given in 1833, the Jesus commanded us to renounce war and proclaim peace, reminding us that the same commandment he had given to all the prophets from Nephi forward, and then going back all the way to Abraham, has never changed. That instruction held then and it still holds today:  
"This is the law that I gave unto mine ancients, that they should not go out unto battle against any nation, kindred, tongue, or people, save I, the Lord, commanded them." (D&C 98: 32-33)
Is World War Three Really About To Be Triggered?
Could be. Who knows?  At the moment it looks like quite a few Americans are tempting fate.  Senator Roger Wicker has come right out in favor of a nuclear strike against Russia, and he does not appear to be alone.  How stupid is that?  If Putin really was the crazy madman we're told he is, wouldn't it be enough to convince him, after hearing a threat like that from a leader in the senate, that maybe he should strike first?  Tulsi Gabbard, one of the few honest Democrats still living, had this to say:
"Anyone who would propose, or even consider, what he is saying as an option must be insane, a sociopath, or a sadist." Watch:

Whether or not idiots like Roger Wicker get their way, all I really know is what the Lord tells us in 3rd Nephi 25, echoing Malachi 4: that there will come a day that will burn like an oven, and all that do wickedly will be burned as stubble.

There is some possible good news in all that, so we don't have to lose hope completely.   Nephi's brother Jacob tells us that "none will He destroy that believe in Him." If you read it carefully, however, you'll learn it doesn't mean everyone who professes to believe will be spared.  You can be completely active in the church, obeying everything your priesthood leaders tell you, and you probably will wind up on the fire. But that's a discussion I'll take up at a future time.

What Does It Mean To Burn As Stubble? 
I used to think it meant God would blast the wicked with some kind of ray from outer space, and all those evil bastards would evaporate in a flash.  I didn't even know what "stubble" was, to tell you the truth; I assumed it was some kind of stubbly material that is highly flammable and consumed in an instant.

Well, it turns out that if you were to "burn as stubble" you probably wouldn't go up in a flash at all.  More likely you would die a long, painful, smoldering death, very much like you would if you were in a city that was bombed out, like that picture in the upper left hand corner of this page.  That is the German City of Dresden following the horrific destruction by over a thousand British and U.S. bombers during World War II. Here is what burning stubble actually looks like, and to me it looks a lot like how a city continues to burn and smolder long after a violent bombing:

The thing that struck me is that stubble is the worthless part of a crop left over after the harvest. In short, stubble is good for nothing, like worthless politicians who will sell out their country for profit and gain. I can see why people like that might deserve a slow, smoldering death. Wouldn't want to be standing next to one of 'em when the bombs fall, I'll tell you that.

But what I also find curious is that nowhere in these statements, either in 3rd Nephi, nor in Malachi, does Jesus seem to be saying He would be the one striking the match that sets these wicked people on fire. He simply says the day will come that will be hot as an oven, and the wicked will burn like stubble.  Righteous Judgement? Absolutely.  But the scriptures teach us that sometimes the Lord doesn't find it necessary to execute the judgment himself.  Sometimes he stands aside and allows things to take their natural course, like when he simply let the baby-killing Lamanites wipe out the baby-killing Nephites in Mormon Chapter four. As the prophet Mormon observed, 
“It is by the wicked that the wicked are punished; for it is the wicked that stir up the hearts of the children of men unto bloodshed.” (Mormon 4:5)
Who is it today that is stirring up the hearts of Americans to the point they have come to hate foreigners they've never even met?  It's likely that most of your friends and family live in complete ignorance about what caused this war between the corrupt government of Ukraine and the corrupt government of Russia.  And yet they can't wait for the extremely corrupt government of the United States to step in and make things better. (Spoiler Alert: The American War Machine has never made things better.) 

Seems Like We've Been Down This Road Before
Prior to April 1917, World War I was at a stalemate in Europe. Trench warfare being what it was, it had become impossible for any army to gain ground over another. At one point the leaders of England, France, and Germany were actually beginning to talk about calling a permanent truce to that European war and just letting everybody go home and make like none of it ever happened.   Then the propaganda machine went into high gear in America and our country stepped in, prolonging the war well past its natural expiration date.  The war became much more brutal and intense than before, with many thousands of young men killed and maimed who would not have been had America not butted into a war that had nothing to do with us. Even today most historians will agree that war was completely unnecessary and accomplished nothing.   

What came to be known as World War II had mostly been a feud between Hitler and Stalin, until Winston Churchill (Himself as cruel and brutal as both Hitler and Stalin) jumped in, then helped persuade members of Franklin Roosevelt's cabinet that America should jump in too and help the Russians. 

And so here we go again.  What legitimate reason could there be for America to have a dog in this fight? The only thing most Americans have heard is that the president of Ukraine is a noble and valiant hero whose people are rallying around him to oppose the Russian horde.  No one has told them that Ukraine has long been a brutal police state that kills and tortures its own people.  The only thing most Americans know about Ukraine is what their wicked politicians and lying media talking heads have told them. Their hearts have indeed been stirred up to hate one side and support the other, to the point where even some Americans are willing to fight and die for what they are finding out -often too late- is just another evil government run by evil, self-serving men. 

"People Need To Stop Coming Here. It's A Trap"
Here is a bone-chilling account from a well-meaning American who went to Ukraine to fight Putin, only to learn the Ukrainians were using American, Canadian, and British volunteers as hapless cannon fodder (Warning: Harsh Language):

This poor chump learned first hand that Americans are being deceived about the nature of this conflict.  This is no simple good-guy/bad-guy situation, and anyone with any sense should avoid any involvement. As Dore reminds us, 
"The establishment Media is one hundred percent propaganda right now.  So if you're getting your news about Ukraine from establishment media, you're being lied to and you don't know what you're talking about.  You think Putin is a madman who is an irrational actor who might start a nuclear war just for kicks.  That's what they have people thinking.  They don't tell anybody about how we got here, about how the United States overthrew the Ukrainian government, how the Ukrainian government kept shelling the Russians who lived in the Eastern part of Ukraine and they wouldn't stop for eight years and killed 14,000 of them, even though they had a peace agreement called the Minsk agreement.  They don't know about the pipeline that Biden and the West wants shut down from Russia directly to Germany.  They don't know about any of this stuff."

And guess what else? The American government's handprints in Ukraine are as bloody as Putin's! 

So What Can We Do?   
First, I would think we should start taking Jesus at His word.  In order to make sure we didn't miss it, Jesus reiterated a specific warning three times. What was that warning? That in our day we, the Gentiles, would be lifted up in pride and filled with lyings, deceits, hypocrisy, murders, abominations, and "all manner of hypocrisy," and that if we failed to repent we would be cut off,  I'm pretty sure He meant for us to take those warnings seriously.

We should therefore be skeptical of anyone in power who attempts to play on our emotions to get us to support the killing of people who have done us no harm.  Latter-day Saints, more than any others, are without excuse, as we have the warnings of God given to us in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants.  We should therefore be watching out for any and all deceptions promoted by those in power, even when it is our own Church leaders who promote such lies, as LDS leaders officially did during the run-up to the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions.  Yes, that's right. Because some young men in America's armed services sought assurances from Church leaders about whether God approved of what they were doing, older men in the Church hierarchy lied to them and told them they were indeed on a mission from God, while not once referencing anything God actually had to say about such questions.

Secondly, I think we should be actively doing what we can to share the truth about the origins of the Ukraine war with everyone we know.  This is the third time I've brought up the subject of the looming crisis at our door (click HERE and HERE for the previous two), and each time I have included plenty of videos that I hope at least some of you are using to help wake up your friends. At the very least I would hope these blog posts would be shared with fellow Mormons.   The threat of war is real now, and it is imminent; we should take that threat seriously and do whatever we can as individuals to try to avert it. That is the charge given all of us by God, and that is what is meant when He warned us in 3rd Nephi to repent.

Once you realize the legacy media has been deceiving you, look for alternative sources that have proven reliable. While it seems everyone at Fox News has reverted to the same warmongering they were cheerleaders to during the Bush/Cheney era, I'm finding Tucker Carlson to be a lone voice promoting reason and caution. Here is a typical attempt by Tucker to buck the warmongers, and boy, is he catching flak for it:

And here's Steve Turley again, this time discussing why all of a sudden Republicans are sounding like Democrats:

Mark Dice assures us, with tongue in cheek, that the woke military leaders will keep us safe:

Salty Cracker does an entertaining job of mocking the warpigs in office, but be forewarned, his language can be very salty.  So hide the kids and watch his videos only while wearing headphones (or maybe earplugs):

Other sources where you'll find fact sorted from error and updated daily are #TheDuran , along with the indefatigable is a forum providing honest articles from a variety of writers on politics and current events, and you can easily flip back to see what you missed on previous days.

 Styxhexenhammer's language is only slightly less salty than Salty Crackers, but his analyses are extremely informative:

What I'm trying to get across here is this: God always sees to it that His people are not left without access to information.  But it's your job to find it and sort the good from the bad. We may not be able to stop the juggernaut of war that seems to be rolling toward us full steam ahead, but what will you say when you stand before the Savior and he asks you why you didn't even try?


Notes & Asides:
The bombing of Dresden, which took place in the second world war, and which I referred to above, was a horrific moment in American history, yet one few Americans even know about, and with good reason. It was nothing to be proud of, and World War II is a war Americans are supposed to be proud of. 

That incident was a shameful moment in our history, and one few historians can justify. Dresden was the cultural center of Germany.  There were museums, music halls, priceless statues and paintings in that city.  There were no military bases, no munitions factories, and no strategic reason for the destruction meted out by 527 American heavy bombers and 772 bombers belonging to Britain's Royal Air Force. In three days of bombings, the city was completely leveled, the entire population, estimated at between 23,000 and 25,00 killed by explosives and incendiary devices.  The city was left a burning, smoldering ruin.

The bombing of this city full of innocent men, women, and children was intended to terrify the German people, and it did just that. Winston Churchill, whose idea it was to bomb a city that held no strategic importance to the war, proudly described the operation as "an act of terror." Historians today rightly believe Churchill should have been tried for war crimes.  Most of the Americans who took part in that bombing are dead now. Years after the war, when these pilots and crewmen learned what it was they had been forced to take part in, they didn't seem to want to talk about it.  

What Will Our Leaders Say?
I fully expect the leadership of the LDS Church to get fully on board with the idea of buying up armies and navies and reigning with blood and horror on the earth, since they have already told us who's side they are on in the great eternal battle for freedom (Spoiler Alert: it's the globalists.)  Book of Mormon Perspectives just posted today about how the corporate Church is already siding with -and donating moeny to- the very institutions David O. McKay, Ezra Taft Benson, and J. Reuben Clark, vigorously preached against from the pulpit.   

UPDATE March 22, 2022:    
For anyone scoffing at the suggestion that the president of Ukraine could possibly be a dictator, here's your evidence. The man is a monster:

UPDATE March 22, 2022:   
Eagle-eyed readers Linda Lopez and Linda Gale put me onto this bombshell interview with Laura Logan, formerly of 60 Minutes. Says Alexandra Bruce, 

"In this short clip from an interview with Donna Fiducia and Doug Neuen of, Lara Logan outlines her brutally honest perspective on why Ukraine is so important to people in power within the DC system.

"She explains that Ukraine is at the center of this cult of Globalists. It is the center of money-laundering for the oligarchs and their allies in the United States, it’s the center of the Russia Hoax and the Fake Impeachment."

Watch the four and a half minute video HERE.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Normal Isn't Coming Back

 Previously: They're Trying To Get You To Support Another Phony War

In my last post I discussed the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy that our day would see a massive ramping up of lies and deceptions.  So given the overwhelming flood of lies and deceptions coming at us from all directions, today I think I'll make a prediction. Based on my previous track record, I think there's a pretty good chance this prophecy will come true.  My prediction is twofold: first, in the very near future, many Americans will starve to death. Second,  America's ruling class is about to trigger World War III, which will pretty well finish off everybody else. (Including those responsible, if our scriptures are any indication.)

Now, I hope I'm wrong. But based on the startling number of Americans who are uncritically accepting the lies their government is telling them, I don't hold out a lot of hope. And by the way, as much as I hope to see the mid-term elections result in sweeping a large number of the current ruling class out of office, you can be certain of one thing: politics will not save us. The only thing I believe will change the trajectory we're on will be a national repentance, and I don't see that coming. So pardon my pessimism, but I hope Connie and I die peacefully in our sleep before the sausage really hits the fan. You should be so lucky, as well.

So, to address that uncomfortable topic of starvation: The financial collapse you have been warned about  for years has finally begun. And in my view it's only just begun; we aren't yet seeing a hint of the extent of the destruction that will soon hit us.  At this point, it's unavoidable, we will not be able to escape it. And it's going to get massively worse because the inflationary spiral cannot be arrested or reversed. Despite our current president's denials ("I'm sick of hearing about it") inflation is indeed caused by government overspending. A nation can't borrow multi-trillions of dollars all at once without expecting catastrophic consequences. We are ruled by idiots who have no clue about how cause and effect works. 

The rising price of fuel is the perfect barometer for measuring the effects of inflation, because everything you have, from the food you buy to the packaging that food is wrapped in, incurs repeated
costs in fuel before it ever gets to your grocery cart. So ask yourself this: how high does the price of gasoline have to get before you can't even afford to drive to work? Ten dollars a gallon? Twenty? You can see how the world could easily come to a full stop. 

But not to worry.  Stephen Colbert has said he's willing to pay fifteen dollars a gallon if necessary because he thinks if everyone did the same, it would somehow "hold Putin accountable."

Setting aside the fact that, unlike you, Stephen Colbert can afford to pay more for gas because he makes sixteen million dollars a year, Colbert, as well as everybody else who thinks Putin is suffering because America is not purchasing fuel from Russia, seems to be ignoring this simple reality: that doesn't bother Vladimir Putin one bit.  Until Biden took office, we weren't buying our oil from Russia anyway. America was producing more than it needed, so much more that we were selling our surplus to other countries.    

So don't be fooled because Biden refers to the skyrocketing fuel prices as "Putin's price hike."  Putin has nothing whatsoever to do with the price of gas in America. Those prices were climbing long before Putin invaded Ukraine, and they were rising because of the inflation caused by the trillions upon trillions of dollars borrowed by Biden and his congressional cronies.  Inflation has only added to the shortages we were already seeing after Biden stupidly made it his number one priority on his first day in office to shut down oil production in America. 

Putin doesn't run our government, these are Biden's price hikes.   No one in America is "sticking it to Putin" because they're paying more for gas. 

Why Do We All Of A Sudden Hate Russians? 
How many actual Russians have you even encountered in your life?  What, none? And yet, if you're the typical American right now, it makes your blood boil just to think about how awful those people are.  Did you ever wonder how the German government got the German people whipped up into such an irrational hatred of Jews that they would want the entire lot of them exterminated?  Well, now you know.  It's pretty easy to do, actually. The way you get people to clamor for war is to get them to react emotionally. All the Deep State needs is a few more people like the ignoramus officeholder in the video below, and Boom! In no time you've got yourself new world war:

If America declares a no-fly zone over Ukraine like this congressperson is asking for, what that means is an American jet pilot will be shooting down a Russian jet pilot. That, dear sister, is an act of war, and then it's only a matter of time before nuclear weapons get discharged. And if things ever heat up to that point (and it certainly looks like we're headed that way), if high prices are the biggest worry in your life right now, well, get used to 'em because they're going to get astronomically higher.  Even if you can afford some things, there will be massive shortages well in excess of what you're seeing so far.  You're going to look back on those weeks when the stores were completely out of toilet paper and think of those as the good old days. 

It's certainly a testament to how well we are being propagandized when one notices how quickly so many Americans have become conditioned to hate foreigners.  If, like me, you're more interested in understanding the causes of the conflict in Ukraine rather than simply falling for the deception being foisted on you by those who love conflict, you'll find yourself labeled a "Putin Apologist" by a rabid mob that immediately wants you silenced.  But my position is this: simply saying it's probably not a good idea to be poking a cornered bear with a stick doesn't automatically make you "pro cornered bear." All it means is it's probably not a good idea to be poking a cornered bear with a stick. 

But Wasn't It The Russians Who Started This Fight?     
No, Putin was reacting to a fight started years ago by US and NATO interests who saw a country they felt they could easily take control of. Here is the narrative those Western interests are trying to get you to accept:

Vladimir Putin is a madman who attacked Ukraine for no reason at all. The people of Ukraine, who idolize their brave president Zelensky, are valiantly fighting against all odds to repel the invaders who want to kill them all and destroy their cities.
That's the myth they want you to believe. If you want the truth, you need only look beyond the propaganda being thrown at you. Putin has no designs on Ukraine. He doesn't want to conquer Ukraine. He doesn't want to govern it. He doesn't want to destroy its cities.  Russia doesn't even want war with Ukraine; in fact Putin's negotiators have stated publicly that Russia will stop in a moment if its demands are met.  

So what are those demands? Well, you can read all three of them yourself, but the pertinent one is that Ukraine must remain a neutral country. Simple as that. It should be governed by a democratically elected president who is not beholden to the United States or any other globalist entity.

The reason you're not being told that is this: factions within the United States have invested too many billions in creating a puppet state in that region that they can control; one with a malleable leader installed and approved by them who they can count on to govern as they see fit.  Since the 1950s The CIA has overthrown many governments around the world and they're not about to let this one slip through their fingers.  So they will gladly go to war if they have to.  Maybe even if they don't have to.  If we're lucky, we may be looking at a stalemate. Putin won't back down, you can count on that, because it means death and destruction to the people of his nation if he allows Ukraine to be folded into NATO.  What most airheads sporting the "I Stand With Ukraine" pin don't realize is that becoming aligned with the US and NATO is a sure way for a nation to lose its autonomy.  Just ask the people of Ukraine. They have a long history of being under the control of other nations. Finally they have a chance to break free, and the one guy helping them do that is painted as the bad guy.

The people of Ukraine are afraid of their president -you know, Zelensky, the guy the US secretly installed by way of a violent coup. Have you seen those pictures of long lines of cars trying to leave Ukraine? They're not fleeing the Russians; the Russian troops aren't going after civilians. They are fleeing their own government since Zelensky's soldiers are gunning them down in their cars as they try to flee.  Every man between the age of 18-60 is being conscripted by Zelensky to fight the Russians.  They don't want to fight the Russians, so their own government is killing them en masse.

You may have seen this video, as it has gone viral. It was a live stream from a married couple who came across a massacre at a Zelensky checkpoint in Mariupol.  The livestream cuts out as they themselves are shot down:

If you're wondering why Vladimir Putin would want nothing more than for Ukraine to be free and independent, here is his answer:
"Why do we resist so vehemently to NATO's expansion? We are concerned with the decision-making process.  I know how decisions are made.  As soon as the country becomes a member of NATO, it can't resist the pressure of the USA.  And very soon anything at all can appear in such a country -missile defense systems, new bases or, if necessary, new missile strike systems."  
When such a threat appears right on Russia's doorstep, what then would be the logical step for Russia to take? 
"We need to take countermeasures, meaning, to aim our rocket systems at the new locations which we consider to be threatening to us. And the situation gets worse."

Does this sound like the ravings of a madman? Seems like a pretty normal reaction to me. I've seen the ravings of a madman, and his name is Joe Biden.

This all sounds kinda familiar, doesn't it?  It's as if we've seen something like this that happened to America when I was a kid. Those younger than me may not have heard about the Cuban Missile Crisis.  That was when Kruschev sent nuclear missiles to its puppet state Cuba to be installed and pointed directly at the United States, which was only 90 miles away.  That would have put enemy missiles virtually on our doorstep.  Happily, President Kennedy actually talked to the Russian Premier, resulting in those missiles being removed. And thus was the crisis avoided.

So why won't our president today reach out to talk to the Russian president so they can get this thing settled?  The answer to that is those in control of Biden actually want us embroiled in a war. We have already inserted ourselves in the middle of a hot war between two countries.  You would think it was now time to sit down with the Russians and negotiate a peace.  But that's not how globalists think. They are called "globalists" because they want the entire globe under their control.

Besides, as anyone with their eyes open can tell you, there's too much money to be made from this crisis to bring it to a halt just yet.  As Jesse Watters put it recently, members from both sides of the political aisle, who were privy to advance intelligence, "knew something that we didn't. They saw what was coming and poured money into the market, buying up defense stocks, energy stocks...So as Ukraine burned to the ground, congress got rich."  Watch here as Watters names just some of those insiders, as well as how much they have gained so far from this disaster:

If there's anything worse than murder, that would be committing murder in order to get gain. And if there is anything worse than committing murder to get gain, it's committing murder to get power and gain. The reason our government wants this situation to fester is because they see great opportunities if they can get the puppet government in Ukraine to finally sign on to NATO.  Then the Deep State will really be sitting pretty, because Ukraine right now is ripe for the picking.  If only they could stir up the American people to want desperately to turn this proxy war into a real war, they're convinced they would be on the way to finally running the whole world. 

But what those in the halls of power don't seem to realize is that if they trigger another world war, America will lose.  We can't win it.  America is no longer a superpower.  Not only are our generals weak and incompetent, but a large percentage of our soldiers have been weakened from the vaccine and all those boosters they were required to take.  Our soldiers simply aren't as strong as Russian soldiers.  Our best and brightest cannot be relied upon in battle because sadly, many of them are no longer our best and brightest. 

Americans need to realize that Vladimir Putin will not back down and allow NATO to threaten him on his own doorstep. If he did he truly would be mad.  And it doesn't look like the US/NATO alliance wants to give up all that power.  So a showdown is coming, and if you thought Ukraine was ripe for destruction, you haven't been paying attention to the moral decline in America.  Much as we may not like to face the reality, America could actually come out the loser here.  The Book of Mormon foretells as much, so why should we be surprised when it finally happens in our lifetimes?

There is more I wanted to present today, but I think I'll save it for next week because this is quite a load for anyone to absorb who has only been getting their news from the Legacy media. If that's you, all I can say is you deserve to know the truth, so keep digging. Be skeptical of everything you hear from the Legacy media, especially accounts pretending to be from Russian soldiers lamenting how they're being forced to kill civilians.  Most of them have already been proven fake, and I'll discuss them next time.

For now I leave you with three videos, all of which I feel are essential viewing, so I hope you'll take the time. The first is just six minutes long and will tell you what you don't know about the war in Ukraine, and especially why you do not want to find yourself on the side of NATO. 

Next is Glenn Greenwald with a complete report on what we know about the biolabs in Ukraine, and how the U.S. is scrambling to do damage control after Victoria Nuland spilled the beans about their existence. This one will take you about an hour, but Glenn Greenwald is always worth the time:

Finally, Ukraine on Fire is a film Oliver Stone produced six years ago following the violent overthrow of Ukraine's government two years previous.  If you don't know the background on Ukraine, this one is essential. You can't possibly understand what's going on today without the information contained here. And if that isn't enough to entice you, two minutes in, where the opening credits roll, you can see a naked lady:

(If you have trouble viewing this film here it is on Bitchute.

Notes & Asides:
If you haven't yet seen my earlier post on this Ukraine business, "They're Trying To Get You To Support Another Phony War,"  it's over there just waiting for you. This is a good introduction to the information shared here, so it would be preferable if you read that one first.

Book of Mormon Perspectives has two excellent essays up in the time it took me to write this one. Check 'em out:

The Greatest Revolutionary of All Time 


Throw Down Their Tower and Scatter Their Watchmen

Also, over at To The Remnant, Adrian and Tausha Larsen have provided a fascinating correction about one of the great myths of Mormonism, the false idea that the Book of Mormon made reference to Christopher Columbus.  It wasn't Columbus that scripture was referring to at all, as should have been apparent to anyone familiar with Columbus' evil life.  If you haven't already guessed this person's identity, you'll find it here. Part One can be found at this link: A Man Among the Gentiles.